An Equestrian Story

I loved horses from the moment I could walk. I rode a few ponies when I lived in Taipei Taiwan. My first real lesson was at the stables by Woodlawn Plantation, Alexandria, VA.

I told my husband, Stuart, about how I won a riding trophy on my girls school riding team at St Catherine’s, Richmond, VA. He understood that while I traveled the world as a child, even though my parents grew up with horses, they were not able to get one for me- so that trophy meant the world to me.

My husband finished graduate school the second year we were married at 21, he surprised me and bought me my first horse, Tootsie Roll, the second year we were married, at the Deep Run Hunt Club outside of Richmond, VA. We had a horse before we had a house! Tootsie was with me for 26 wonderful years.

My children all rode with me on Tootsie Roll. When our eldest daughter, Alexandra, turned 6, we bought her first pony, Honeygirl, a darling Shetland Pony.

Our children were all members of the Glastonbury, CT Pony Club. We kept Honeygirl for 15 years, while also getting larger ponies as our three children grew up!

Holly Holden

Interior Designer / Author / Speaker / Producer

Holly Holden

Holly Holden is an internationally acclaimed Interior Designer, ASID Allied Member who is renowned for classic design.

Holly Holden & Company, Ltd. established in 1989 has created exquisite timeless elegant spaces throughout nations.

As the Executive Producer & Host of her public television series “You Are Cordially Invited” her passion for classic interior design is revealed.

Holly received an Emmy Award Nomination for her role in the episode Highclere Castle aka Downton Abbey sponsored by Viking Cruises, and thoroughly enjoys sharing her knowledge of privately owned masterpiece homes. Her first table book of interior design “The Pretty & Proper Living Room” is in its second printing, and her most recent table book “The Pearls of Palm Beach” sets the stage for her next entrepreneurial venture in Palm Beach, Florida. Her home Fox Hall circa 1803 was featured in “The Great Houses of New England” published by Rizzoli in 2008.

The Gardens at Fox Hall were documented in the Smithsonian Archives for American Gardens, and her work is showcased in periodicals and homes nationwide.

Holly appreciates sharing her design expertise with others in public speaking engagements, and captivates a tremendous following with her weekly letter “The Secrets to Lovely Living”. She resides at Fox Hall in Connecticut and Palm Beach, Florida with her husband, Stuart. They have three children and eight grandchildren along with a revolving door for entertaining.